School Safety Precautions

- Every person entering the school is asked to wash their hands for 30 seconds.
- In addition to all standard cleaning procedures, every classroom is bleached every night as part of the closing procedure.
- All shelves, toys, books, and materials are bleached every night as part of the closing procedure.
- In addition to regular scheduled professional cleaning.
- The school has an air purifier system installed that disinfects the air and all surfaces on a continuous basis. This is a new addition to the school building HVAC system Click to know more
- Hand sanitizing stations are available for everyone entering the building to sanitize their hands.
- Screenings will take place of staff and child/parent at the Health Check Station. Anyone showing signs of illness will not be permitted to enter. This includes a temperature of 100.4 or higher

- Face coverings will be required for staff and face coverings will be encouraged for all children age 3 and above but not required.
- Cellphones will be wiped down upon entry to the building.
- Handwashing will be required of all staff members before entering a classroom.
- Changing of shoes will be required of all staff and children.
Emails will be sent out to staff and parents with any updates as they become available
- We will ask the families to let us know if a child is exhibiting any symptoms associated with the current infectious disease
- We will ask the families to let us know if a child or anyone in the household has tested positive for the infectious disease.
- Parents will be asked to bring in the required Art material for their child to avoid sharing.
- Bedding and all extra clothes will be sent home to wash every day instead of once per week, nothing should be left in the cubbies at the end of the day except for extra shoes(inside shoes)
- All teachers will wear face masks
- All teachers are encouraged to wear protective clothing that they will be encouraged to change into when entering the school and change out of when leaving the school and take home every day for washing
- During nap time, children will be placed on cots in such a way that they do not face each other (facing each other’s feet)
- Food delivery service is canceled until further notice
- All visiting activities are canceled until further notice
- We will try to use our outside classroom as much as possible, all parents are advised to dress their children according to the weather
- Temperatures will be taken twice a day, once upon arrival to school and again before nap time using a no-contact thermometer
- We will stay in maximum groups of 10 children and maintain separation between the groups. Same teachers will stay with the same group of children throughout the day

- We will notify families by email.
- We will notify the State licensing by email.
- We will close the school for a day for extra disinfection and cleaning.
- We will use our official channels as our communication hub as well as an emergency notification system in case a phone call to all families is necessary.
We will use our official channels as our communication hub as well as an emergency notification system in case a phone call to all families is necessary.
- All parents are required to provide masks for their children 2 and over. Please refer to the below link to find a great mask for kids.
- Reference Links Mask 1, Mask 2
- All families are responsible for letting us know of the appearance of any symptoms or positive test results of the infectious disease in the family
- Continue with tuition payments unless special arrangements have been made with the school management
- Adhere to all policies and procedures set forth in order to protect all our families Morning Drop Off Procedure
- All families are asked to stay in their cars until they see that there is no one at the entrance to the school. Only come outside of the car when there is no one at the front door. Only 1 parent will be allowed to bring the child to the front door.
- While waiting outside the locked front door, please fill out the form acknowledging the lack of any symptoms in your household. Your child will not be allowed to attend school without this form. If you answer “yes” to any of the questions on the form, you will be asked to stay away from school for 14 days and/or bring a note from a doctor clearing you to attend school.
- Show your form from the glass door and the teacher will open the door to check the temperature of your child and any symptoms. Thereafter, your child will be allowed to go with the teacher into the classroom. You will not be allowed to enter the school.
- If you would like to talk to the teacher or the Director, please make an appointment through the email
- Your child will be accepted by the teacher. The teacher will take your child’s temperature at the door using a no-contact thermometer, log the temperature, guide your child to wipe feet on the disinfecting mat, and wash hands.
- Same procedure for the infants. A teacher will take the baby in the car seat and all their things at the door and bring everything into the classroom.
- 1 teacher will be stationed outside to make sure that only one family at a time comes near the building.
- Take all the forms from the parents
- Log the forms
- Take the child’s temperature and Log the temperature
- 1 teacher stationed in the lobby will accept children from the parents
- Guide the child to wash hands
- Lead the child to the classroom

- No family is allowed to enter the school building.
- When the parent reaches school parking. Please call the school at 7324041700 and someone will bring your child to the front lobby. Only step out of your car when you see your child in the school lobby area.
- When you ring the bell, your child will be brought out to you by the teacher.